Rhododendron Festival - October to November annually

Taranaki Garden Trust

The Fringe Garden Festival 31 October to 9 November 2025

link to website at https://www.taranakigardens.co.nz/

also link to

Centuria Taranaki Rhododendron & Garden Festival

at https://www.gardenfestnz.co.nz/

30th Annual Charity Car Show

January 2026 (date TBC) 10.30am - 2.00pm

Inglewood High School front field, Rata Street, Inglewood

Organised by the Rotary Club of Inglewood, the 2026 event will be the 30th show which will feature displays of up to 400 cars, motorbikes and vintage machinery. Funds raised will be for local community projects and causes. A BBQ, cold drinks, coffee caravan, and trade stands are all on site at each show.

Contact Gloria O'Dowd 022 4570258, Show Secretary, with enquiries.

Major Sponsor CSR Custom Street Rides  


Inglewood Swimming Pool

 Pool hours and information gain be found by clicking on this link Inglewood Pool

An Inglewood Lions Club project.

Closed 31st March 2025

Reopening January 2026 

 Open weekends

Saturday 11 am - 5 pm
Sunday 11 am - 5 pm
Public holidays and weekdays by arrangement
Opposite Number 94 Windsor Road Inglewood
Adults (15yr and over)- $8
Entry fee to main maze
Children (under 15yr) - $4 


Tyre maze, picnic area, children’s games, and bouncy castle all free

Weekly prize draws for maze competition ($50)

Final draw at the completion of the maze to the value of $500

 Enquiries to:Inglewood Information Centre, FunHo! Toy Museum, Rata Street, Inglewood.

(06) 7567030 or Website link:  http://www.maizemaze.co.nz/

Please contact us if you would like access to add your own events.

Also check out whats happening at TET Staduim and Cue Theatre.

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